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Grid Hardening

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Grid Hardening

Hardening the Grid:  Reinforcing the T&D infrastructure to prevent or reduce the damage from extreme weather events.

Right selection of poles, towers, and wires:

  • Dual OHGW to reduce the potage caused by lightning.
  • OPGW to provide the communication path across the grid, enhancing the cybersecurity and improving reliability.
  • New Insulator design and materials provide greater reliability.
  • Higher Capacity, steel reinforced conductor allows for more efficient power flow and reduce electrical losses.
  • Greater clearances between electrical lines reduces outages caused by animal and provides safer working conditions for line crews.
  • Sturdier steel poles/concrete poles improve resiliency during storms, provide longer lifeexpectancy and lower maintenance costs.
  • Improved grounding provides better lightning performance and safer operation of T&D system.


Flooding can create tremendous issues for transmission substations

  • Identify the substations which are vulnerable to flooding.
  • Plan for temporary and permanent hardening measures.
  • For permanent solutions, install sheet piles flood walls that are constructed of composite materials to resist decay and rust.
  • Raise substation equipment above flood level.
  • Install flood monitor sensor to alert rising water level.
  • Substation control houses can be designed for withstand a direct hit from EF3 tornado with back-up control houses available on short








Fire Prevention and Detection:Severe drought conditions coupled with high winds and other factors, have resulted in an increased number and severity of wildfires that can devastate natural habitats and communities.

  • Implement wildfire mitigation plan to monitor weather and equipment.
  • Enhance inspections process of all overhead power lines in high fire risk areas and apply preventive maintenance to reduce risks of ignition.
  • Use fire-resistant poles, composite cross-arms, and covered conductors in high fire risk areas.
  • Install current limiting fuses that interrupt current more quickly to boost reliability by segmenting circuits to isolate problems.
  • Install HD camera that enable fire agencies to observe potential fire activity.
  • Install weather stations with multiple sensors to provide real time weather data.
  • Evaluate the ability to install new access roads and increase line ROW.
  • As a last resort, cut power to high fire areas when winds reach above a certain predetermined threshold