Material and Project Management
- Develop detailed project schedule to meet the construction demands
- Develop detailed project schedule to meet the construction demands
- Assist in negotiating the best pricing and delivery schedule from vendors
- Risk Mitigation planning
- Keep Track of all milestones and critical delivery items

Material & Yard Management
- Warehouse & Laydown Yard Sourcing & Management
- Real-Time Inventory Management & Reporting
- QA/QC & BOM Reconciliation
- Storing, Staging, Kitting & Delivery of Material to Construction Site
- As-Built Documentation

- Provides Documentation of Material Delivery or Pick-Up
- Dashboards Provide Real-Time Visibility of Material on Multiple Yards or in Delivery Phase
- Identify Gaps in Material Availability or Quality Before Project Impact
- Manage Care & Custody and Warranty Process
- Reconcile Material Used with As-Builts & Manage Scrap & Un-used Material